Gach Catagóirí


Seirbhís Cnc Beachtas Copar 5 Ais Miotal Prás Cruach Dhosmálta Cnc Milling Cuid Casadh Alúmanam Saincheaptha CNC Seirbhís Meaisínithe
Seirbhís Cnc Beachtas Copar 5 Ais Miotal Prás Cruach Dhosmálta Cnc Milling Cuid Casadh Alúmanam Saincheaptha CNC Seirbhís Meaisínithe
Seirbhís Cnc Beachtas Copar 5 Ais Miotal Prás Cruach Dhosmálta Cnc Milling Cuid Casadh Alúmanam Saincheaptha CNC Seirbhís Meaisínithe
Seirbhís Cnc Beachtas Copar 5 Ais Miotal Prás Cruach Dhosmálta Cnc Milling Cuid Casadh Alúmanam Saincheaptha CNC Seirbhís Meaisínithe
Seirbhís Cnc Beachtas Copar 5 Ais Miotal Prás Cruach Dhosmálta Cnc Milling Cuid Casadh Alúmanam Saincheaptha CNC Seirbhís Meaisínithe
Seirbhís Cnc Beachtas Copar 5 Ais Miotal Prás Cruach Dhosmálta Cnc Milling Cuid Casadh Alúmanam Saincheaptha CNC Seirbhís Meaisínithe
Seirbhís Cnc Beachtas Copar 5 Ais Miotal Prás Cruach Dhosmálta Cnc Milling Cuid Casadh Alúmanam Saincheaptha CNC Seirbhís Meaisínithe
Seirbhís Cnc Beachtas Copar 5 Ais Miotal Prás Cruach Dhosmálta Cnc Milling Cuid Casadh Alúmanam Saincheaptha CNC Seirbhís Meaisínithe
Seirbhís Cnc Beachtas Copar 5 Ais Miotal Prás Cruach Dhosmálta Cnc Milling Cuid Casadh Alúmanam Saincheaptha CNC Seirbhís Meaisínithe
Seirbhís Cnc Beachtas Copar 5 Ais Miotal Prás Cruach Dhosmálta Cnc Milling Cuid Casadh Alúmanam Saincheaptha CNC Seirbhís Meaisínithe
Seirbhís Cnc Beachtas Copar 5 Ais Miotal Prás Cruach Dhosmálta Cnc Milling Cuid Casadh Alúmanam Saincheaptha CNC Seirbhís Meaisínithe
Seirbhís Cnc Beachtas Copar 5 Ais Miotal Prás Cruach Dhosmálta Cnc Milling Cuid Casadh Alúmanam Saincheaptha CNC Seirbhís Meaisínithe

Seirbhís Cnc Beachtas Copar 5 Ais Miotal Prás Cruach Dhosmálta Cnc Milling Cuid Casadh Alúmanam Saincheaptha CNC Seirbhís Meaisínithe

Cur síos ar an Táirge

Introducing, the Huarui’s Precision CNC Service Copper 5 Axis Metal Brass Stainless Steel CNC Milling Turning Part Custom Aluminum CNC Machining Service.


Are you looking for high quality and precision CNC machining services for your metal parts? Look no further! Huarui has you covered with their top-of-the-line CNC milling and turning services.


With Huarui’s state-of-the-art 5 axis CNC machine, we can create custom metal parts with unparalleled accuracy and precision. Whether you need parts made from copper, brass, stainless steel, or aluminum, our CNC machining service can handle it all.


Our team of skilled technicians are experts in the field and have years of experience working with various metals. They will work closely with you to understand your specific needs and requirements, ensuring that the end result meets or exceeds your expectations.


At Huarui, we understand the importance of quality and reliability when it comes to CNC machining services. That’s why we invest in the latest technology and equipment to ensure that our customers receive the best possible products.


Our CNC machining service is perfect for a wide range of industries, including aerospace, automotive, medical, and more. Whether you need prototypes, small batches, or large production runs, Huarui can handle it all with ease.


In addition to our precision machining services, we also offer competitive pricing and quick turnaround times. We understand that time is of the essence in the manufacturing industry, and we strive to deliver your parts on time, every time.


So, why settle for subpar CNC machining services when you can trust Huarui to deliver top-notch results? Contact us today to learn more about our Precision CNC Service Copper 5 Axis Metal Brass Stainless Steel CNC Milling Turning Part Custom Aluminum CNC Machining Service, and see why we are the preferred choice for customers around the world

Paramenters Táirgí
Muilleoireacht meaisínithe cnc OEM saincheaptha ag casadh seirbhíse páirteanna
Ábhair atá ar fáil
Alúmanam, copar, práis, cruach dhosmálta, cruach, iarann, cóimhiotal, since etc
Formáidí Líníochta
OCP / Innealtóir, Auto CAD (DXF, DWG), Solid Works, UG, CAD / CAM / CAE, PDF, TIF etc
Trealamh Tástáil
CMM; Micreascóp uirlisí; lámh il-chomhpháirteach; Tomhsaire airde uathoibríoch; Tomhsaire airde láimhe; Tomhsaire diailithe; Ardán marmair; Tomhas gairbhe
Próiseáil aon stad
CNC Turning, Milling Páirteanna, Druileáil, Auto Deil, Meilt, gearradh sreang EDM, Cóireáil Dromchla, etc
+/- 0.01mm, is féidir le cigireacht cáilíochta 100% QC sula seachadadh, foirm iniúchta cáilíochta a sholáthar
Sonraí Íomhánna
Próifíl na Cuideachta
Ár Buntáistí
Teicníc Déantúsaíochta
pacáistiú táirgí
C1: Conas is féidir liom luachan a fháil
Líníochtaí mionsonraithe (PDF/CÉIM/IGS/DWG) le faisnéis faoi ábhar, cainníocht agus cóireáil dromchla
C2: An féidir leat páirteanna meaisínithe a dhéanamh bunaithe ar ár samplaí
A2: Is féidir, is féidir linn tomhas a dhéanamh bunaithe ar do shamplaí chun líníochtaí a dhéanamh le haghaidh páirteanna meaisínithe a dhéanamh
C3: Cá bhfuil do mhonarcha
A3: Táimid i Shenzhen, an tSín
C4: An nochtfar mo líníochtaí má bhaineann tú leas as
A4: Ní hea, tugaimid go leor aird ar phríobháideacht líníochtaí ár gcustaiméirí a chosaint, glactar le síniú NDA freisin más gá
C5: An féidir a fháil amach conas atá mo tháirgí ag dul ar aghaidh gan cuairt a thabhairt ar do chuideachta
A5: Tairgfimid sceideal táirgeachta mionsonraithe agus seolfaimid tuairiscí seachtainiúla le pictiúir agus físeáin dhigiteacha a léiríonn an dul chun cinn meaisínithe
Eolas Mionsonraithe
Táirge Gaolmhara